Friday, April 13, 2012

Asset Management and Technology

We are now in an internet age. This period of information era has brought about such changes in a modern-day Filipino lifestyle. Benefiting from these technological advances is the smartest thing to do for a better way of life especially when owning a business.

Asset Management through the State-of-the-Art Technologies
Owning and managing an industry is not that easy. Asset management for different sectors is the most integral part in keeping up a business. With the recent technological developments, technological aid is applicable to every Industrial Sector.

Know which SECTOR your business belongs

Below is a categorization of industries based on the goods and/or service offered:

•             Primary (includes businesses which extract directly from earth, includes farming, fishing, logging, and mining)

Development of Weather casting technology helps plantation owners know when will be the best and worst time to plant crops. Companies whose main products are fruits and vegetables largely benefit with the weather monitoring system because with the proper use of the weather information, best quality and quantity of harvest is within reach.

•             Secondary (involves the processing and manufacturing of products from primary industries – factories)

Being sure that the products are in good condition and preventing these from being stolen are the reasons of the development of tracking and security systems. These systems help in the betterment of the business' operations as well as to prevent losses of the company.

•             Tertiary (service industry, including financial institutions, transport, restaurants, etc.)

For banks, money changers, pawnshops, and the sort, security is vital. Also, safe transportation of products from the factory to warehouses, to secured delivery of goods to consumers is important. Well-developed tracking and security system is what these type of businesses use for efficient management of their products.

•             Special Sector (includes intellectual services – IT, research, etc.)

It is an industry which is knowledge-based. Meetings, conferences, and the sort are very much important for this sector. Nowadays, technology has aided the primary problems of being late for appointments and meetings due to heavy traffic and tight schedules through an efficient video communication. Video conferencing at its best of course requires the best equipment and finest system.

Research industries on the other hand will competently run through the developed GIS, GPS, GSM, SMS, GPRS, Telemetry technologies.

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