Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Waze GPS Application and it's Ways

Waze is a GPS navigation application for smartphones, which has been featured in The New York Times and on the iTunes app store. Waze is significantly helpful since its navigation capacity depends on a user-generated content created by a community of drivers who log in their trip/travel history through the application.

Waze GPS application is integrated with various social media features like Foursquare check-ins (where you get a badge) which can be shared among facebook friends. According to JP Loh's blog,
 "The act of driving with Waze turned on–wazing–is challenged by incorporating a scoring mechanism by driving around with Waze. The more you drive, the more points you get. You also get the chance to encounter bonuses, for example, cookies on roads you’ve never driven before. It’s just like a real-life driving version of Pac-Man (called road munching)."
Loh also added why Wazing among the Filipino drivers is encouraged. Below are the reasons:

We need more wazers. More people driving means better traffic updates. Running the app while you drive sends traffic automatically. The app is designed to operate hands free and there’s an option to send data anonymously. Once you sign up, please join the Philippine Wazers group.
 Waze Screenshots
We need more mappers. The Philippine map on Waze needs A LOT of work. I’ve spent a sleepless night updating the Makati area and surely the job can’t be done by one man. All you need to participate is a computer with internet access. Yes, mapping is done on a PC with Cartouche, the editor.
Cartouche Screenshot 
 We need more Area Managers. As more people drive and use Waze, new roads are added to the system which needs to be labelled and updated accordingly in addition to the current ones uploaded. See the steps to become an area manager to update the map without having to drive on the road you want to edit. Do check out the naming convention and standards too.

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